"The error of youth is to believe that intelligence is a substitute for experience, while the error of age is to believe experience is a substitute for intelligence." - Lyman Bryson

Ubuntu 6.06 - Comments

Sunday 16th July 2006

Categories: Reviews, GNU/Linux, FLOSS

All comments not written by free-bees.co.uk are owned by the author, and free-bees.co.uk is in no way responsible for their content.

1. Submitted by HK, Tuesday 18th July 2006

I tried it on my Toshiba notebook, it crashes often and lots of things didn't work for me (sounds, usb wifi adapter, etc). I've scrapped it and go back to SUSE.

2. Submitted by Colin Watson, Tuesday 18th July 2006

Hi; I'm responsible for the Ubuntu installer. You're right to observe that the graphical installer is rather new and thus rather raw, but I'm interested in doing everything I can to improve it. What was the error message you got from the installer after gparted failed to embed itself correctly? If you kept a note of the message, I may be able to do something about it. (As a matter of fact, I intend to fix a number of crashes in the first point release of Dapper.)

With regard to the general partitioning mess (separate partitioning and mountpoints pages), I certainly acknowledge it as a mess. In Dapper point releases I'll have to make do with workarounds where possible, but I intend to fix it properly in Edgy by writing an integrated partitioning UI on top of the partitioning backend from the alternate install CD.

Thanks for your comments!

3. Submitted by Mike, free-bees.co.uk, Tuesday 18th July 2006

In response to #2:

Nice to hear that the comments of the communities are being heard! Any chance of having a couple of extra options in the installer? Such as a button that will open a networking dialog and let you change networking options?

4. Submitted by KaruppuSwamy.T, Tuesday 18th July 2006

I too agree with you on poor performance of new graphical installation wizard. I too suffered a lot to install in my PIII/192MB system. I managed to install some way as detailed in this simple HOWTO. Hope it would be useful to others.


5. Submitted by Mark, Wednesday 19th July 2006

Hi, I tried to install Ubuntu on my cousin's computer. Her family desparately wanted to install Linux as they'd had too many Windows-specific problems. Fool that I was, I, too, used the desktop install. It didn't work.

However, the 8 hours in total that I spent over there was a wonderful opportunity to get to know them better.

They're back on Windows and I'm only hoping that this "user-friendly" version didn't leave a bad taste in their mouth.